In the end, it’s all about sex. Well, maybe not ALL the time…nah, it is all the time.

With our strip’s sitcom-style pacing, any individual panel can be particularly silly as a stand-alone and, hey, the more silliness, the better, right? And a lot’s been going down behind the scenes this calendar year so far at FLEA FLICKERS BY DAN BROWN, but we hope to have at least one surprise announcement rolling outContinue reading “In the end, it’s all about sex. Well, maybe not ALL the time…nah, it is all the time.”

A Call (despite a lack of) Two Arms

Were we looking to riff on the plague of modern-day subpar officiating in pro sports? Or to bury the Groan-O-Meter in the red with yet another animal pun? Or to celebrate one of our older strips? All good guesses, but naw: today’s the Fourth and this is the only strip I’ve got with fireworks inContinue reading “A Call (despite a lack of) Two Arms”

Couldn’t Care Less Whisper

For the very first time, gang, I’m posting the most recent strip I made (just to show you guys…and remind myself XD…that I’m still getting after it!). And, when you stop and think about it, there are sooooooo many odd little facets of the pro ranks of American football that I could spend years riffingContinue reading “Couldn’t Care Less Whisper”

Seller Dweller

Here’s a pic shot by my bestie of me just before April’s QuadCon event kicked off. Now, please don’t misinterpret these posts as brags, peeps: it’s not like I sold five bricks worth of merchandise (Heck, I don’t even HAVE five bricks worth of merchandise). I’m just grateful for the opportunity to have been aContinue reading “Seller Dweller”

Makin’ munny hand over schmoopten

We can’t stop Jay from trying to spin denseness into dollars…but, for the sake of pure silliness, we wouldn’t want to! Our Gazelle On The Street decided that he can be at least unofficially Muppetational…and, while we’re at it, in honor of tomorrow’s holiday, Happy Flerndy Gorpen Sloopty Der Mommy Mommy!

Hooray for Follywood

Everyone loves a dramatic underdog, come-from-behind, defy-the-odds ending. Everyone! Well, ALMOST everyone. Know who doesn’t? Reality! Where hearts would soar, reality is the gravity that can drop hearts right through people’s stomachs…or something. And since reality’s reared head is so ugly, we didn’t need to include Zeke in this strip!

Rabbit Seasoning

Here’s the third installment of our “On Golden Punned” series, gang! And even though the world of professional sports is enough of a gold mine for parody and silliness in and of itself, the animal world provides a lot of basis for material too! It’s not even like I really have to do anything; allContinue reading “Rabbit Seasoning”

So…we’re doing another thing…

As the good folks at QuadCon generously accepted us as one of their own, FLEA FLICKERS BY DAN BROWN will have another vendor booth set up for Saturday, April 8th, this time at our first ever out-of-state venue! It should be a fabulous time and we’re looking forward to meeting some awesome fellow geeks! WeContinue reading “So…we’re doing another thing…”

I love you, Mom.

My dear, sweet, beloved mother would have turned 84 today. I miss her terribly every day, even as long as it’s been since she went to be with the Lord, and always strive to do my best to make her proud of me. She was my biggest fan, even more patient than you can imagineContinue reading “I love you, Mom.”